
Preparing for your test

Preparing for your test

A few of our tests require simple advance preparation. Other tests require you to take a sample for us. Find out here what is needed.

Read more in our What you need to know before your blood test brochure.

Blood collection information:

Butterfly Needle Collection


  • It is our responsibility to get the right specimens from the right patient, to get the right results to the right doctor, 100% of the time.
  • To ensure we have the right patient you will be asked to positively identify yourself by stating your full name and DOB, in addition to this you will be asked to spell your first and last names to us, prior to any sample collection. This process must be completed every time you have samples collected, regardless of how well you are known to us or how frequently you visit.
  • This vital step is in place to protect your health and ensure the accuracy of your results.
  • If there is anything that may prevent you from being able to state this information clearly for us, we recommend you bring suitable identification (e.g. drivers licence or passport) or a support person who can assist with this positive patient identification.

How to collect a sample:

Find out how to take samples for the following tests: