The new urine collection container now available, has a pouring lip which will assist in transferring the urine into the tube (see below). This change will reduce the amount of plastic used and manual handling done in laboratory for processing urine samples on our analysers. Urine samples must be collected in the correct specimen container to ensure efficient processing.

10 mL tube
- Microbiology tests; MC&S, red cell count,
- Biochemistry; protein, creatinine, microalbumin and drug screens.
60 mL yellow top containers
- Cytology
- TB
- Schistosoma (Bilharzia) screening, entire urine collected between 10.00am and 2.00pm
- Special Biochemistry tests e.g. Urine amino acids, mucopolysaccharides, hippuric acid, pentachlorophenol, urine cotinine, urine tricholoracetic acid, urine trimethylamine,
Aptima tube
- Urine for Chlamydia/Gonorrhoea