We have collated the following information which we hope will cover most of your questions and requirements. Please read carefully and follow the instructions.
New graduates
Complete the New Requestor Form, return via email to wlg.contact@awanuilabs.co.nz and we will progress with your set up.
Ordering laboratory supplies
Awanui Labs supplies a range of specimen collection supplies to medical practitioners. Complete and submit an order online. Your order will be packaged up and sent to a collection centre convenient for you to uplift.
Notes: Faxing order forms is no longer possible. Please place all orders online using link above.
HPI / CPN number
You will be asked to supply your HPI/CPN number to us. If you do not have one or do not know what it is please contact the Midwifery Council.
Test information
- Patient test information sheets can be downloaded and given to patients.
- Specimen collection information can be found here.
- Specimen Collection Guide – this online tool provides searchable information on our laboratory tests.
- Illumiscreen prenatal testing – read more here.
- Maternal serum screening request form can be found here. Please send the patient with the original form when testing is required.
- Request forms can be emailed to wlg.requests@awanuilabs.co.nz to be uploaded to our electronic system allowing your patient to present to any of our collection centres without a form.
eResults is an innovative results solution, providing timely access to your test results anywhere you go. It allows you to access your results electronically via your smartphone, desktop or tablet from any location. For more information visit the eResults website.
For further enquiries email: wlg.contact@awanuilabs.co.nz