Awanui Labs Te Whatu Ora laboratory contract specifies which tests are funded and who can order them. Please refer to this list of laboratory tests for details of the funding categorisation.
Funded tests are categorised as Tier One and Tier Two tests. A Tier One test is able to be ordered by any medical practitioner; a Tier Two test requires the clinician to have appropriate vocational registration or credentialing to be able to order the test.
The vast majority of tests ordered by clinicians are likely to be “core” (Tier One) tests, and / or within the clinician’s vocational scope of practice as a Tier Two Test. Some Tier Two tests can be ordered as part of the 3DHB Clinical Pathways.
As is usual practice, any medical practitioner or midwife / LMC is able to order a Tier Two test with pre-authorisation by a relevant specialist. If in doubt, the referrer should consult a relevant pathologist at Awanui Labs for advice and authorisation.
There are a large number of potential tests which are not on the “Funded list” The list of “Unfunded tests” comprises those tests that have been requested but are currently unfunded. Unfunded tests can be ordered but the test & shipping charges (if testing is referred to a specialist overseas lab) will be billed back to the referrer or the DHB clinical service.
Applications for unfunded tests to become funded can be made via the laboratory Flexifund. Click here to view this document.