

The Scope: February 2023

In this issue you will find: Please find the latest edition of our newsletter here.

Lab Update: Critical Biochemistry Analyser Issues

Due to significant analyser issues we are unable to process all of the biochemistry and serology requests on the same day. This affects sample from 05/12/2022 to the current time. We are working with our supplier to remedy the situation as quickly as possible. Urgent samples are being processed as a priority and we are […]

Change to D-dimer phone reporting

Labtests is changing the phoning procedure for positive D-dimers. Previously all positive D-dimers have been phoned through on the assumption that the D-dimer is being performed to rule out a deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolus (PE) where the patient is deemed at low risk of DVT( Wells score <2) or  moderate risk of […]

NEW! – request form email address

Attention Medical Practitioners, Labtests now has activated a centralized receipt point for any request forms to be emailed to: auk.request.forms@awanuilabs.co.nz. You no longer need to send the request form to the patients preferred collection centre. If you need to email the patients request form, please send to auk.request.forms@awanuilabs.co.nz. Please also put the patients NHI number or […]

The next generation of prenatal screening now in NZ

We’re excited to announce the next generation of non-invasive prenatal screening, Illumiscreen, is now available in Aotearoa New Zealand from across the APHG laboratory network. Non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS), sometimes known as NIPT, has been available for quite some time to screen fetal DNA for trisomy 21 (Down), 18 (Edward), 13 (Patau). We now have the latest […]

Lab Update: Changes to HIV testing in pregnancy

Changes to HIV testing in pregnancy in the Northern Region, 1st September 2022 As of 1st September 2022, the first antenatal blood panel will include HIV testing. Up until now, universal HIV testing has been recommended at the first antenatal visit but has required a specific request, which has led to sub-optimal testing rates. Following a […]

Lab update – new 70mL containers

Our current supplier for the 70 mL orange-lid specimen container can no longer supply this stock. We havemanaged to identify another supplier that can manufacture similar specimen container with a pink lid. Theorange and pink lid containers are essentially the same. Labtests will continue to supply the orange lid containersuntil stock has been consumed. When […]

Lab update – skin prick testing

Labtests will be recommencing allergen skin prick testing in the community commencing on November 15, 2021. Originally we stated that we would be unable to offer this until we were at Level 2, however with the new traffic light system we are planning to offer limited skin prick testing slots to: Patients aged 12 years […]

Lab update – consumables ordering change

Planned outage of Labtests consumables ordering website: What this means to you: We will be performing a scheduled change to migrate across to a new consumables ordering web site. This is needed because we are upgrading our consumables web page over the weekend. We are confident that you will find the new consumables ordering system […]

The Scope – September 2021

In the latest issue of Labtests’ newsletter The Scope you will find: Lockdown Level 4 version 2.0 – new challenges, flexible systems and good communication; When it’s not just the drug; Iron deficiency and iron deficiency anaemia; When is a prolactin result abnormal? Labtests to adopt new improved formula to calculate LDL cholesterol; Key contacts. […]