

The Scope – May 2021

In the latest issue of Labtest’s newsletter THE SCOPE you will find: Positive partnershipsMonitoring of urine analytes in patients forming recurrent renal stoneLipase the preferred test for pancreatitisBlood lead: Lowering of the notification levelPSA change from Siemens to Roche MethodAxe the Fax reminder Read the full newsletter here>>

The benefits of being paperless!

Labtests introduced eOrders, a system which replaces the paper laboratory test request with an electronic version. This eOrder is then available at any one of our 55 collection centres at the time when the patient presents for testing. Generating an eOrder instead of a paper request form means that when patients attend a collection centre, […]

Laboratory Update – March 2021

Download PDF version here >>> IMPORTANT – correct completion of COVID-19 swab request forms It is essential that all relevant information is on the request form accompanying COVID-19 specimens.  Labtests receives around 2,000 COVID-19 specimens per day and this can increase to 7 – 8,000 specimens during surges when alert levels change and positive community […]