To prevent fainting during a blood test:
Please inform staff member if you feel you may faint during the test and you will be able to lie down
If you do faint, this is usually short lasting and will cause no permanent damage
The event will be documented as an incident
To prevent bruising and bleeding after a blood test:
Avoid excessive movement such as: digging, jogging, and carrying heavy objects/children etc, for 1 hour as the arm involved may become bruised
Pressure is required to minimize bruising and prevent bleeding (clot forms)
Remove dressing in approximately 15 minutes otherwise tape may cause irritation
If you experience pain either during or after a blood test:
This is usually transient, is often unavoidable and recovery is usually rapid.
If severe, please inform staff member immediately
The cause of the pain may be one of two things: either the vein has been punctured on both sides causing blood to leak into the surrounding tissues or a nerve has been injured
Ice may be applied to the site and any adverse effect of the blood test will be documented as an incident
If you are concerned, please contact the collection centre where your specimen was collected. Or for further information, please call 09 438 4243.
Date issued: 23/04/21
Authorised by: HOD, Patient Services