
Patient charging

Patient charging

Laboratory contracts provide funded testing for all diagnostic work, as well as for breast and cervical screening; all other testing is chargeable.

For full details of our latest patient charging schedule please download our patient price list below:

When requesting tests of a commercial nature (e.g. insurance medical, pre-employment medical, immigration testing, seasonal workers), please clearly state this on the request form. In such cases, the patient is liable for all laboratory costs and payment is required at the time of testing / blood collection.

  • If your practice is generating your own request forms please ensure that a tick box is added to indicate an entitlement to public funding (eligibility).
  • If you are aware the patient is a visitor to NZ or does not have work permits totalling more than 2 years (in which case they also have no entitlement to the GMS), please send them to one of our collection centres to have their samples taken or
  • If you wish your practice to be invoiced please contact us to arrange monthly billing and clearly mark forms ‘Bill to [practice name]’.
  • In cases where we identify, on receipt of the sample, that the patient should have been charged but has not been we will notify the referrer and/or patient. These samples will be held for 48 hours pending payment being received. Where we identify such cases post reporting of results, a bill will be sent to the patient with notification to the GP.

Payment is always required by non-New Zealanders and New Zealand citizens when they:

  • are applying for a visa or immigration permit e.g. going to work overseas, applying for NZ residency
  • require an insurance related health check
  • require a work related health check e.g. for a pilot’s licence, St John, Rest Home staff etc.
  • require a pre-employment health check, for example, hepatitis status, MRSA screen, drug screen (note: DHB staff are exempt)
  • are getting non-diagnostic testing done e.g. clearance for sporting clubs, screening for students entering halls of residence, anti-aging clinics, blood grouping
  • are having checks of immune status e.g. University or Polytechnic accommodation and prior to or post vaccination e.g. HepA, Hep B, Rubella, Tetanus, Rabies, Mumps, Varicella
  • require employment related checks e.g. lead or mercury levels, drug testing
  • have been referred by a dentist or an alternative health provider
  • are part of a screening program other than the breast and cervical programs
  • are having tests done which are not funded under the contract (these are usually new tests which the DHB has not agreed to fund) e.g. Quantiferon Gold, Gliadin II (AGAII), Sirilimus, Mycophenylate
  • are self requesting tests

All non-New Zealand citizens are charged for all tests unless:

  • they are a resident of the United Kingdom having urgent care (reciprocal arrangements exist)
  • they have a current work permit valid for at least 2 years, or renewed work permits totalling at least 2 years
  • they have refugee status, or are in the process of applying for refugee status
  • they are having maternity care and their partner is a NZ resident
  • the testing relates to an accident, in which case it is covered by ACC

Read more about referrer responsibility to establish eligibility here