Thank you to all Canterbury referrers who are using eOrders to electronically request your laboratory tests. Currently over 40% of daily laboratory requests at CSCL are via an eOrder, we hope Canterbury eOrder requests will soon match that of other districts in our region who have up to 80% of all daily requests made via eOrders.
This update will provide the following information:
- Date that emailed laboratory requests will no longer be accepted.
- Information on how to start using eOrders for those not using eOrders yet.
- Some helpful “How to” for those already using eOrders.
From 1 June 2023, CSCL will no longer accept emailed laboratory requests from GP’s or Midwives. From this date laboratory requests can be made via eOrders or using a paper request form.
ERMS can no longer be used for Laboratory requests.
For those not yet using eOrders, the programme is available directly from most practice management systems and allows you to make an electronic laboratory request. Your patient can present to all Canterbury collection centres including Burwood and CHCH Campus without requiring a laboratory request form.
It is easy to get started using eOrders go to for more information including training videos and training guides.
To use eOrders
- Download sign and complete the Acceptable Use Agreement and email to or upload using the Contact Us form on the website .
- One of our eOrder team will be in touch to finalise the setup and provide some training regarding how to use eOrders
- Start using eOrders.
How to Request a Home Visit via eOrders
Requesting home visits via eOrders is the most efficient and accurate method. Please ensure the electronic form is completed correctly. Below you will see the eOrder request form, the HOME VISIT section is at the bottom, please ensure the “Home Visit Request” box is ticked.
A follow up email is NOT required, eOrders is designed to stop email requests.
Please use eOrder home visits for all home visit requests by Doctors and Nurse Practitioners.

How to Add New or Additional Staff to eOrders
For new referrers, please complete the new referrer form on our website and email it to
For new staff members who will not be referrers, email with the staff members name and either their HPI-CPN number, or their Professional Registration number if applicable.
How to Find a Test in eOrders
If you are unable to find a test in eOrders, you can use the “Miscellaneous Test” which will allow you to type the required test.
1. Go to the Additional tab.
2. Enter “misc” in the Search For box and click Search.
3. Select the Miscellaneous Test – verify that it shows in the Items Added section.

4. Click Next to progress the order as usual. The below screen will display and allow you to enter the test required.

Please email with the name of the missing test we will check to see if it is missing or if the test is known by a different name at the laboratory; we are able to add a synonym.
How to Create a Group of Tests for Ordering via My Tab in eOrders
MY TAB in eOrders allows a user to create groups of tests which enables them to quickly select the entire group when ordering. A short video on how to setup My Tab can be found here.

MY TABS can be copied between users at a practice by contacting
How to find out more about eOrders
User Guides, Quick References and Videos can be found at the eOrder website.
For assistance, please email or phone 0508 37 37 83.