We are proud to announce, after 12 years in the community, Canterbury SCL will be changing its name and brand to Awanui Labs.
Moving to become Awanui Labs is a significant milestone for our organisation. Many may not be aware that Awanui Labs is part of a nationwide network of eight laboratory brands that span Aotearoa.
Our new name Awanui Labs, brings these eight laboratory brands and network of services, laboratories, collection centres and people together under a unified Aotearoa New Zealand name for the first time.
Awanui translates to ‘big river’ and was chosen to represent the coming together of our services nationwide and speaks to the proud history and strong connection to the communities we support. Like our nation’s rivers we intersect and join. We join together as Awanui.
Alongside the 2,000+ strong team across our network who contributed to this mahi (work), we were privileged to have partnered with Te Reo Māori and Mātauranga Māori experts in health who offered their perspectives to guide and shape the final decision of our name and design.
So, what will be different?
In the coming weeks, you will see Awanui Labs and the new branding appearing at laboratories and collection centres where we have offices and people and on our vehicles and staff clothing.
We recognise our valued Awanui Labs’ patients and customers know and trust our current and long-standing name and brand in their region.
Our patients and customers will continue to see the same great people, in the same place, and can be confident in receiving first-class laboratory, pathology and phlebotomy services, but with a new name.
Ka tū mātou i muri ki te hauora o Aotearoa
We stand behind the health of Aotearoa New Zealand
For more information about the brand change visit www.awanuilabs.co.nz